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What is Breeding4Results?

Breeding4Results (B4R) is a breeding information management system. B4R has been developed in IRRI as part of the Transforming Rice Breeding(TRB) and Accelerated Genetic Gains in Rice Alliance (AGGRi) projects.

Currently, B4R is in a maintenance mode and only minimal development work, like of instance critical bug fixes, are carried out. B4R will continue to live on as part of the Enterprise breeding System(EBS) project.

The purpose of this site is to provide information to the end-users that are using the B4R in their breeding programs.


Want to know the latest?
B4R updates include bug
fixes and improvements.


Standard Operating Procedures
Technical Information
Knowledge Bank



If you have questions or
concerns, you may reach us
through B4R Support Portal
or send us an email at