List Management 19.03

List Management 19.03

The new List Management tool can be use to create different types of list that can be used in different applications. 

The tool can be access in 2 ways:

  1. In "Tools" widget in dashboard, search for Lists.
  2. Click Account → Lists

The lists browser is separated into 2 views: 1 browser for the lists you owned (My Lists) and 1 for the lists that is shared with you (Shared with me)

  • Users can view, update, delete, share, or add items to list from the browser.

View List

Delete List

Share List

  • Users create lists with different types: Designation, Seed, Location, Study, Plot

  • Items can be added to a list in different ways depending on their types
    • For Designation, users can input a list of GID's, or Names or select products from a list of studies.
    • For Seed, users can input a list of GID's, Designations, or Labels; or select seed lots from a list of studies.
    • For Plot, users can select from a list of studies and further filter it by designations, plot codes, or entry codes.
    • For Study, users  can select from a list studies.
    • For Location, users can select from a list locations.
  • Users can also manage the items in their list, like reorder, remove, or adding back removed items.

  • Advanced filtering options are also available for Seed and Plot lists.

  • In preview once your list is final click "Done"