Seed Inventory Management

Domain Description

Seed Inventory Management
Research AnalystRichi Leon
Lead Developer

Alex Caneda

Domain Workflow Diagram

Domain General Requirements

A seed inventory management software is required to facilitate work within this domain:

  • This software must be able to connect to Experiment Creation and:
    • Determine available seedlots and quantities for specific breeding programs to insert them to their Experiments' Entry Lists
    • Add Harvested seed lots to Entry Lists for future experiments 
    • Generate inventory operation instructions for harvesting and planting experiments
  • This software must be able to create new seedlots for:
    • Entries harvested from experiments
    • Seed shipments from other programs
    • Introductions
  • This software must be able to connect to Analytical Sampling to request seed qualification (e.g. phytosanitary) or sampling for Breeding Analytics decisions
  • This software must allow users to search for seedlots by Product Name/Designation, GID, Trial, Trial and Ocurrence/Repetition, etc.



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Product Dependencies

Relevant Components: