

B4R’s rebranding from Breeding4Rice to Breeding4Results calls for a fresh interface. Introducing the Dashboard, the new way to organize tools in B4R that are relevant to you and to your daily tasks.

Personalize B4R by customizing your use and layout of widgets. Widgets – such as a custom list of tools, favorites, recently used applications, data browsers, metrics, and breeding cycles – are waiting to be part of your very own homepage.

Log in

Login, secured. Before anything else, you have to be logged in to B4R. Using Auth0 technology, your entry into B4R is more secure than before.

Remember to enable 2-factor authentication in your Google account to prevent unauthorized access. Also, keep your Google Chrome up-to-date by downloading the latest version when possible.

  1. Open Google Chrome (preferred web browser).
  2. Go to https://b4r.irri.org/.
  3. Click Login.
  4. Click G for Google users. For Yahoo users, click Y.
  5. Sign in using your account.
  6. Dashboard is shown.


  • If you are not yet registered, please contact a data manager to help you create your account or go to B4R Support Portal to request access.
  • If you encountered the “This app isn’t verified” message, bypass this warning by clicking Advanced then Go to site.

Open dashboard

Homepage, improved. The Dashboard is the new way to view your data and use the tools in B4R.

  1. Log in to B4R.
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Dashboard is shown.


Configure dashboard

Dashboard, personalized. Customize the content displayed in your dashboard. Choose which widgets to appear, those that are minimized by default, how they are arranged and more by configuring your dashboard.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Configure dashboard.

Edit widget label

Decide how you want to label your widget. Since you can add multiple widgets of the same type, you might want to label them uniquely so you would not be confused by them.

  1. Click widget label.
  2. Edit the text.
  3. Click Apply.
    1. Click Reset if you want to discard the changes.
  4. Widget label is updated.

Collapse/Expand widget

Focus on the widgets that matter. Expand them and minimize the rest that is not useful at the moment.

  1. Click collapse or expand icon in the widget.
  2. Widget is minimized (collapsed) or maximized (expanded).

Reorder widget

Put important widgets on top. Change how you want your widgets to show when you are viewing your dashboard.

  1. Click and drag the widget to any position.
  2. Widget is set to its new position.

Add widget 

More widgets mean more ways to interact with your data. Add new widgets so they can be part of your personal dashboard. If you can’t find the widget that you’re looking for, tell us so we can add your request on our widget wishlist.

  1. Click Add Widget.
  2. Find the widget.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Widget is added to the Dashboard.

Note: You can add multiple widgets of the same type to your Dashboard. Remember to label them properly to avoid confusion.


  • Breeding Process: Displays chart for breeding activities. Activities are clickable which serves as shortcuts to applications.
  • Metrics: Displays metrics for operational studies, entries families, and observations.
  • Favorites: Displays list of applications marked as favorite.
  • Recently used tools: Displays list of recently used applications.
  • Nurseries: Displays list of all nursery studies.
  • Trials: Displays list of all trials studies.
  • Sites: Displays study locations on a map.
  • Shipments: Displays list of all shipments.
  • Tools: Displays list of added tools.

Note: If you can't find a tool in the left navigation, search for it from the Tools widget and add a shortcut in your Dashboard.

Remove widget

Widget not working for you? You can remove that from your dashboard if you like.

  1. Choose a widget.
  2. Click Remove widget.
  3. Click Confirm.
    1. Click Cancel to retain the widget.
  4. Widget is removed from the Dashboard.

Edit layout

Change the spacing of the widgets in your dashboard. Let some take up more space than others.

  1. Click Edit layout.
  2. Click your chosen layout.
  3. Dashboard layout is updated.

Data filters

Content, stripped. Too much data can be overwhelming to see. Filter the right data that you need and save that filter for later use.

  1. Open Dashboard.

Change filters

Decide which criteria to use to filter your data. Choose the right values from the available options.

  1. Click Data filters.
  2. Change filters.
    1. Program
    2. Year
    3. Season
    4. Breeding phase
    5. Location
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Filter is applied.

Save filter

Save your active data filter for later use, so you won’t forget it.

  1. Click Data filters.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Type the name of the filter.
  4. Click Save.
    1. Click Cancel to discard changes.
  5. Filter is saved.

Use saved filter

Now’s the time to use your saved filters.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in Save.
  2. Click Use saved filter.
  3. Select a saved filter.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Saved filter is applied.

Delete saved filter

Filter no longer needed? You can remove it from your list of saved filters.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in Save.
  2. Click Delete filter.
  3. Saved filter is deleted.


Favorites, marked. Access with ease your frequently used tools from a special place called favorites. Open the tools straight from there and reorder them to your heart’s content.

  1. Open Dashboard.

Mark as favorite

Mark that tool so it is added to your list of favorites.

  1. Go to any tool.
  2. Click the star beside the tool’s name.
    1. An outlined star means the tool is not yet marked as a favorite.
  3. Tool is marked as a favorite.

Unmark as favorite

Unfavorite a tool just as easily by removing its favorite mark.

  1. Go to any tool.
  2. Click the star beside the tool’s name.
    1. A filled golden star means the tool is currently marked as a favorite.
  3. Tool is unmarked as a favorite.

Manage favorites

Organize your marked tools from the favorites window or directly from its widget.

  1. Click Favorites .

Filter favorites

  1. Type the tool’s name in the search field .
  2. Tools matching the name are shown.

Unmark as favorite

  1. Find the tool.
  2. Click unmark as favorite.
  3. Tool is unmarked as favorite.

Recently used tools

Tools, remembered. Recall the tools you used last time from the recently used list. Open those very same tools from this section of the dashboard.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Recently used tools.

Filter tools

Narrow down your recently used list of tools.

  1. Type the tool’s name in the search field.
  2. Tools matching the name are shown.

Open tool

Just click on the name of the tool to open it again. That’s one fresh entry in the recently used list.

  1. Find the tool.
  2. Click the tool.
  3. Tool is opened.


Records, found. Need to search for something? Find it using the universal search tool. You can search across products in the product catalog, your studies, available seed lots, and other users.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Type anything in the search field.
  4. Hit Enter.
  5. Relevant results are shown.

Note: For more details on how to use Search, click the Help icon beside the Search bar.

My profile

Account, identified. Know your identity in B4R. See your personal account details from your own profile page, and browse through your teams and teammates to check their contact emails and roles. You can also see there your most recently used tools, which you can mark as your favorites.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Account.
  3. Click My Profile.

View account

Every person in the system comes with their own user account. See what your account says.

  1. View account details.
    1. Full name
    2. Username
    3. Registered email address
    4. Membership validity

View teams

Whether you are a part of one or multiple teams, you can see your memberships here.

  1. View teams.
  2. View team members.
    1. Name of team members
    2. Their email addresses
    3. Their assigned roles

View recently used tools

Check your last used tools and mark them as favorite. This is just an alternative to view your most recently used tools, second only to checking them directly from your dashboard.

  1. View recently used tools.

Find a tool

  1. Type the tool’s name in the search field.
  2. Tools matching the name are shown.

Mark as favorite

  1. Click the star beside the tool’s name.
  2. Tool is marked as a favorite.
  3. Click again to unmark as favorite.

Refresh list

  1. Click Refresh.
  2. Recently used list of tools is refreshed.

Saved lists

Products, listed. Collect and share a list of products that you like using your own saved lists.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Account.
  3. Click Saved lists.

Browse personal lists

See the lists that you created and manage them in this section.

  1. Go to Personal lists tab.
  2. Browse personal lists.
  3. Actions for each list include:
    1. Create saved list
    2. View saved list
    3. Edit saved list
    4. Delete saved list
    5. Reorder saved list
    6. Share saved list

Browse shared lists

Someone or some groups may have had granted you access to their lists. Check them out here.

  1. Go to Shared lists tab.
  2. Browse shared lists.
  3. Manage shared lists.
  4. You may view and/or edit a saved list depending on the permission granted to you.


Experience, personalized. The dashboard is yours to customize. See the available settings in the preferences below.

  1. Open Dashboard.
  2. Click Account.
  3. Click Preferences.

Show/hide left nav

Want more space? Hide the left nav by default.

  1. Toggle Always show option.
  2. If active, then the left nav is always displayed. Otherwise, the left nav is hidden.

Choose theme color

Set the mood of the dashboard by choosing your own theme color.

  1. Choose a theme color.
  2. Theme color is changed.

Set left nav skin

Left nav too bright? Darken it using this option.

  1. Choose a skin color.
  2. Left nav skin color is applied.

Change font size

If you are having a hard time reading the texts, increase the font size here. Or if you want to see more at one glance, reduce the font size.

  1. Choose a font size.
  2. Font size is applied.

Select language

Want to see your local language? Check out the supported languages here.

  1. Choose a language.
  2. Language is updated

B4R FYI"In information technology, a dashboard is a user interface that, somewhat resembling an automobile's dashboard, organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. However, a computer dashboard is more likely to be interactive than an automobile dashboard (unless it is also computer-based). To some extent, most graphical user interfaces (GUIs) resemble a dashboard. However, some product developers consciously employ this metaphor (and sometimes the term) so that the user instantly recognizes the similarity."

For more details, visit https://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/dashboard.