List Management 20.03


  • Refactored features and developed API V3 calls for the list management tool. Below are list of features that were refactored:

    • Remove items from a list
    • Reorder/Update list members
    • Delete a list
    • Share list UI for getting the users and teams.
    • Implemented filtering of list members in review and preview page
  • API calls implemented:
/v3/lists/{id}Deletes the given list; The items of a list should be voided as well
/v3/lists/{id}/membersVoids the given members of a list
/v3/lists/{id}/permissionsVoids the given permissions of a list
/v3/lists-searchAdvanced search for lists
/v3/list-members/{id}Update list members
/v3/list-permissions/{id}Update a list permission
/v3/lists/{id}/members-searchAdvanced search for lists members given list ID


Resolved Issues:

    • Bug

      • [B4R-5151] - 20.03-FT-Lists-Share: odd behavior after saving changes
    • Task

      • [B4R-4344] - [List Management] Implement a POST call for /lists-search
      • [B4R-4348] - [List Management] Implement a DELETE call for lists/{id}
      • [B4R-4355] - [List Management] Implement a DELETE call for list-members/{id}
      • [B4R-4410] - List Management: Refactor deleting of lists to use API V3
      • [B4R-4741] - [List Management] Implement a PUT call for list-members/{id}
      • [B4R-4742] - [List Management] Implement a PUT call for list-permissions/{id}
      • [B4R-4802] - Create PHP Unit Test for List Management
      • [B4R-4810] - [List Management] Implement a POST call /lists/{id}/members-search
      • [B4R-4848] - List Management: Implement filtering for list members using list members search call
      • [B4R-4871] - List Management: Modify share list user and team dropdown options to use API
      • [B4R-4943] - [List Management] Implement a DELETE call for list-permissions/{id}
      • [B4R-5068] - Update POST lists call to accept multiple record creations in one call
      • [B4R-5150] - 20.03-FT-Lists-Delete: 3 notifications